Meet Stacy…our Spring Challenge Winner!

A TRUE example of what sticking to your goals can accomplish!


As many of you know, we host quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges in order to help ensure you all reach your weight loss goals! These challenges are a ton of fun for us to host and also extremely beneficial for you since it provides an extra layer of motivation and accountability.

I’m so happy to report that this our Spring Challenge was our best challenge to date! Over 300 of you participated in the challenge, making it extremely difficult to pick a winner since there were so many amazing wins and transformations.

But, today I am extremely excited to introduce you to our Spring 17 Day Diet Challenge Winner, Stacy!

Stacy participated in both of our weight loss challenges this year, and lost 10 pounds in this challenge alone! She was also so extremely active and helpful in this group.

Here’s what Stacy had to say about participating in the challenge:

“I decided to do this challenge because I was tired of how I felt and looked. I hated how my clothes fit and how I felt in them. I was always tired and was having a hard time getting a good night sleep. I was in a daily cycle of never-ending fatigue and self-hate.

I was introduced to the 17 DD in 2012 and was very successful with it. I lost 30 lbs on it and was able to keep the weight off. Then life happened and a combination of job changes, personal challenges and depression caused me to put the weight back on.

In December 2017, I was invited to join the challenge in January 2018, but I wasn’t very successful. When Dr. Mike announced there would be a new challenge in May I was all in. I wanted to do the May challenge to prove I can be successful on this diet…or as I like to call it…a new lifestyle. This challenge caused me to be accountable for this new lifestyle.  I liked the weekly check-ins, the support from the 17DD Challenge Facebook page and the 17 DD Facebook community page. Mostly, the weekly videos from Dr. Mike and his support on Facebook were extremely motivating.

This challenge changed me in so many positive ways.  I have a new confidence, I am motivated to do things I didn’t want to do before, I feel better both physically and mentally, and I like how my clothes fit and how I look in them.  This challenge was successful for me because I lost 10 lbs and a total of 6 inches. Between the two challenges, I have lost over 20lbs and a total of 14 inches overall.  This challenge not only changed me physically and mentally but it changed how I look at food. The 17 Day Diet is no longer a diet for me but a way of life.

I owe a huge thanks to Dr. Mike and his amazing support team.“

THANK YOU, Stacy, for being such an active member of our community and setting such a great example for the rest of us. Because of her accomplishment, Stacy received a $50 Amazon gift card and 1-on-1 coaching call with me where we outlined her plan for the next 3 months to ensure she reaches the rest of her goals.

Interested in joining us for the next challenge? Check out all the details here.

The next challenge will begin on Monday, August 13th, and end on Wednesday, August 29th, right before Labor Day Weekend. This one is going to be even bigger and better than our previous ones.

For more information on the next challenge, click here or the banner below. Scroll down to see some of the other amazing transformations from the May Challenge.

Can’t wait to have you join us!


Here’s what some other “17 Day Diet Challengers” had to say:






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